Question of the Week – December 8

In Matthew’s Gospel, we learn of John’s continued warning for us to be ready for Jesus when He comes again. It is not enough that we are sons and daughters of Abraham, but by our own desire, we want to live a life pleasing to God. The Gospel challenges us to bear fruit. It was not enough for the Sadducees nor is it enough for us to simply follow the rules and rituals of our faith. The very actions of lives must show what we believe about our faith. We Christians come in daily contact with other people whether at work, in our neighborhoods, or school. We have opportunities throughout the day to witness to our faith by our actions and words, but what greater audience do we have than our own family. It is important that we witness our faith to all we meet, but no audience is more important than our families. Sometimes we need to take some quiet “desert time” like we find in today’s Gospel in order to focus our lives more intentionally on what is truly important.

Adults: What do you need to change so that others can learn from watching you that Christ Jesus walks among us?

Children: What could you do so that others will see in you what it means to follow Jesus?

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