Question of the Week – December 15

Of all people we would never think would doubt, or should doubt, would be John the Baptist, who knew Jesus as a child, who knew Him and played with Him and was close to Him when he went off into the desert to become and prepare himself for the great role of the prophet, the one who is to come to prepare the way of the Messiah. John must have had deep thoughts when he was in prison. Perhaps Jesus allowed him to have these doubts because he wanted we ordinary people not to be afraid at times to doubt even the most beautiful messages, to be afraid, to run away in fear from what they might demand of us. Doubting is something that we all have to deal with because its hard to believe in that which you cannot see or touch.

Adults: What can you do to strengthen your faith when doubts begin to creep in?

Children: What can you do to remember that Jesus is with you always, even when He seems far away?

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