Question of the Week – September 6

Today’s Gospel points us toward the origins of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The reconciliation available in the life of the Church is the reconciliation Jesus brings to the world. The words with which our reading ends, though brief, have immense importance to us, as we seek to understand more fully in the mystery of the Church’s common life. You come together “in My name”, Jesus tells us. In the biblical tradition, these words have a great depth of meaning: They imply our identification with the Lord through our baptism, and to the fact that He continues to be present in the world of our time through our coming together as His Church and celebrating the Church’s common life. They also remind us of the Savior’s presence in the public prayer of the Church, uniting our prayers with His, as He intercedes for the world before the Father.

Adults: What steps do you take to eliminate the grudges, prejudices and other unloving thoughts in your life?

Children: What can you do to rid yourself of unkind feelings?

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