Question of the Week – March 21

We need to rediscover who we are. Christ’s death for us on the Cross will be meaningless if we cannot accept the slightest inconvenience to accommodate others. If we cannot make simple or heroic sacrifices to make others better than our selves. We need to step out of our comfort zone to discover thousands whose lives we can change by our sacrifices. We have to voluntarily embrace suffering to achieve a higher good in the society. WE CAN TRANSFORM THE WORLD BY OUR SINCERE SACRIFICES AND SERVICES. Many things are going wrong today because no one wants to suffer or make the sacrifice. When we suffer in pursuit of a worthy cause of action, we come out better persons, we touch lives, we transform the world. (Clem Mezie Aladi of Catholics for Life).

Adults: In what ways have I sacrificed my own desires to be of help to others?

Children: How have I given something up to help my family, a classmate, or a friend?

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