Question of the Week – June 3

Why did Jesus arrange for this transformation of bread and wine into His Body and Blood? Because he intended another kind of transformation. The bread and wine are transformed into the Body and Blood of Christ which are, in turn, meant to transform us. Ever hear the phrase: “you are what you eat?” The Lord desires us to be transformed from a motley crew of imperfect individuals into the Body of Christ, come to full stature. Our evangelical brethren often speak of an intimate, personal relationship with Jesus. How much more personal and intimate can you get? We receive the Lord’s body into our physical bodies that we may become him whom we receive. The bread and wine are transformed, we are transformed and we are called to transform the world!

Adults: Do I see the Eucharist simply as an obligation or as a means of life?

Children: What are some ways that I can prepare to receive Holy Communion?

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