Question of the Week – August 23

Peter does not have a great track record. He stumbles, sinks, doesn’t get it, and, at his worst, even denies Jesus multiple times. And yet, this is the person Jesus chooses to be the rock of the Church. Why? When Jesus asks pointedly to His disciples who they personally believe Him to be, Peter responds with what seems to be a gut reaction – You are the Christ, the Son of the living God. Jesus responds to this declaration positively, almost like He’s saying, “There it is ! There’s the Spirit I’ve always known to be in you, Peter!” This God-filled gut that Peter has is why Jesus calls him to be the rock. And notice, Peter is not disqualified from this position when he falls or fails, when he is unfaithful or a bad leader. Jesus didn’t pick someone perfect to be the foundation of the Church, Jesus didn’t ask Peter to be a star, but a rock; not brilliant, but solid; not popular, but the unwavering voice of Christ to His people: the voice calling each person to take up his cross and follow Him.

Adults: Which Church leader has most influenced your personal faith?

Children: What has your pastor taught you about Jesus?

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