Easter Message 2017

We are living in a moment of history when, for the first time in our Church history, a reigning Pope hails from the New World (Argentina). Immediately after Pope Francis’ election, eyebrows have been raised among the leaders of the Church and the lay people. Now, what?

As Christians, we are ‘a part of’, and not ‘apart from’, the Church for whom, and through whom, we exist to cooperate in the mission of building the kingdom of God. So, like all concerned members of the Church, we, too, join in prayer for and with the Holy Father to whom we pledge our support and obedience.

I hope that this Lent has been a profitable time for you as you responded to the call to “turn away from sin and believe in the Gospel”. No doubt there has been much struggle as each one of us “went into the desert” like Jesus to face our battles. Perhaps we may have won some, but also lost some! Nevertheless, let us acknowledge our desire to be renewed in mind and heart which is a continual need; and let us never forget, or lose heart, that the grace of conversion is a continual offering by our our loving and merciful God… “If you only knew what God is offering…he would give you living water” (Jn. 4:10).

As we celebrate Easter which is so close to our hearts as Christians, I pray that you will be ever more strengthened in your Christian vocation to deepen your Faith in the Lord: to keep alive and promote the memory of the Passion of Jesus, so that you may experience truly the life of Jesus in his Resurrection and the love of God in the Paschal Mystery.

A Happy and Blessed Easter to all of you!

Fr Oscar Paraiso

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