Christmas 2022 Message


At this time of the year, a very blessed time, I would like to send you all wishes for A Blessed Christmas and Grace-filled New Year.

Every Christmas season, we celebrate Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love. May all these four fill your life in every way this Christmas and beyond. We should all be grateful to God. Every Christmas each year we celebrate “Immanuel” (God with us). It is only in Christ’s presence among us that we find direction in life. It is through God’s abiding presence in us, that we are healed, transformed, reconciled, and made whole. Indeed, I pray you all have a memorable Christmas.

At this time, I would like to pause and say, “Thank You,” to all the parish staff and volunteers. I am so grateful for how you have served so sacrificially this past year. Whether it’s working in the office, leading groups; shepherding children; serving coffee; setting up for worship; playing music or any one of the countless other (usually unseen) tasks that keep our community running, I am grateful. Thank you so much for all you do! Have a very merry Christmas.

There is always the danger that we might miss the real meaning of Christmas. We put up decorations, attend parties, buy, and exchange gifts. But we might forget that it is someone’s birthday and that someone is Jesus Christ.

Matthew 1:21 says, “She shall bear a Son; and you shall call His name Jesus, for it is He who will save His people from their sins.” Christmas without Jesus is not Christmas but a simple holiday. He is the best gift God gave to save us and forgive us and cleanse us of all our sins. HE is the reason for the season.

Hope, Peace, Joy, Love. These are not just words displayed in the banners of our Church walls starting Advent. But in our very secularized world, they are what we need but often can’t find. Let us join together as we share how we can find them. Let us all open our hearts and mind that it is only through Jesus, the Immanuel, that we can find HOPE, PEACE, JOY and LOVE.

Greet your family and friends a Blessed Christmas and celebrate the miracle, joy, and wonder of Christmas together.


Fr Oscar Paraiso

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