Question of the Week – August 19

The Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist is indeed a mystery of faith. In a world where answers to questions and explanations of how things work can be researched in an instant, it can be difficult to sit with such a mystery. Jesus becoming man, raising the dead, healing the sick, multiplying loaves and fish and rising from the dead are all “mysteries” in that we don’t understand how He did these things but because eyewitnesses have recorded this in Scripture, we believe. And yet, we stumble with the mystery of the
Real Presence, also recorded by eyewitnesses in Scripture. Jesus himself stresses He is the Bread of Life and unless we eat of his flesh and drink of his blood we won’t have eternal life. If Jesus tells us this, then who are we not to believe it?

Adults: How does the hope of eternal life shape the way you live your life?

Children: What mysteries of our faith do you find hard to believe?

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