Question of the Week – March 22

In today’s Gospel, Jesus heals the man who was blind since birth. However, this Gospel story is not just talking about physical blindness. The inner darkness of our fears, attachments, and beliefs is what keeps us from seeing. They cover our eyes like the mud on the eyes of the man born blind. In placing mud on the blind man’s eyes Jesus is holding before him the reality of his blindness. He wears thick black lenses of fear, attachments, and beliefs. We all do. Those who know this are sent to wash in the pool, to be recreated, and to see with new eyes; this is what Baptism does. Once they were darkness but now in the Lord they are light. The rest will continue looking but never see, their faces caked with mud.

Adults: What are you doing in your life right now to move toward light rather than darkness?

Children: How can you let the light of your faith in Jesus shine for others to see?

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