Question of the Week – July 18

Jesus said to His apostles, “Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.” We, just like the people of that time are busy coming and going: with no time to rest, meditate or pray. The journey of life becomes more difficult with challenges. We can feel at a loss for answers and a lack of energy to carry out tasks. God calls us away from our busy lives into a peaceful place where we can rest and refuel, where we can unite with Him and hear Him speak clearly to us. In this quiet place, the outside world cannot influence or interfere with the works of Christ in our hearts. Jesus teaches us as we spend this time with Him, and He leads us to the knowledge of His words and truth of how to live our lives accordingly, so we don’t become lost sheep to the world. When we come to know Him, we are able to share Him with others.

Adults: Can you spend 1 hour this week to talk with Jesus in prayer, read Scripture or meditate on His Word?

Children: Take a few minutes to talk with Jesus. What would you want to tell Him?

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