Question of the Week – April 18

Like the disciples, our strength comes from the peace that Christ bestows on us – not as the world gives it, but as Jesus does. Worldly peace depends entirely on circumstances. It is contingent on things going well for us. God’s peace means that even if the whole world is against us, it really doesn’t matter. He has overcome the world. He is with us, for us, defending and advocating for us. Jesus doesn’t mean that once we have this conviction, our troubles will cease, that there will be no further cause for sorrow and worry, but that we will have the peace to take it all with the strength that comes from His victory. We will hear the Lord’s voice come across our troubled waters, through locked doors, through fear and trembling, saying: “Peace, be still. I am Risen and with
you always.”

Adults: Do you sometimes forget that Jesus is with you when the going gets rough?

Children: Do you remember that Jesus is with you in good times and bad?

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