Question of the Week – March 24

The people of Jesus’ time often thought, wrongly, that misfortunes of any kind, such as accidents or ill health, were signs of sinfulness in the unfortunate person or persons. Jesus points out that this was not the case. Those who are not careful about their relationship with God are in greater danger. He gives an example of a fig tree that is in full foliage with all the appearance of being healthy, but it does not bear fruit. The owner orders it to be cut down for not fulfilling its intended purpose. However, the gardener asks for more time to work with it hoping that it will respond. Lent is like that “more time” for us to respond to God’s call to repent so that we can fulfill our intended purpose.
Adults: Are you taking time to be with God in prayer during this Lenten season so that you can produce good fruit?

Children: Are you taking a little more time to pray during Lent?

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